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Transportation Security Administration Tech Overview


Colwall Property Investment Limited is a New Zealand-based firm whose headquarters are at Auckland. The company was established in 1991, and it specialized in tax liens, commodity contracts, and venture capital. Initially, this organization was known as Colwall Enterprises Limited, but it changed its name in 1992. This business is headed by a team of seven directors who are responsible for making critical decisions on matters that affect daily operations of the firm. Today, Colwall Property Investment Limited has established numerous subsidiaries aimed at promoting diversification. One of such firms is TSA Tech Limited which deals with the sales and repair of computers and mobile phones.


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TSA Tech Limited

This firm was established in 2009 with the primary goal being the distribution of computers. It worked in partnership with Asus; an Australian business that manufactures and sells computers. The need to offer integrated services to target clients led to TSA Tech Limited venturing into other areas like network installation; a service that it offers on-site. In 2015, this organization invested in mobile phone sector to exploit the increasing demand for these critical gadgets (TSA Tech, 2020).

Currently, TSA Tech Limited sells phones both on wholesale and retail basis, and also offers repair services. The demand for the Internet and growth in the advertising industry has prompted this firm to venture into home automation and led lighting sectors. Currently, TSA has three departments: TSA lighting, TSA Computer and Mobile, and TSA Home Automation which facilitate service delivery.

Business Model

The leadership of TSA Tech Limited appreciates that customers consider convenience when buying goods and services. Many clients wish to visit stores, interact with salespersons, and ask questions regarding products that they wish to purchase. Consequently, this firm uses direct sales to promote its products and services. The success of any organization is premised on the capability of its management to encourage employee growth and development. A direct sale as a marketing technique allows employees to enhance their skills by intermingling with customers. TSA Tech Limited uses direct sales strategy to converse with clients instead of just promoting merchandises.

In return, this firm gathers invaluable feedback from consumers who enable it to transform its operations and boost efficiency. As aforementioned, TSA Tech Limited deals with the distribution of mobile phones and computers, and provision of a myriad of technology-related services. These innovative services are difficult to promote through other channels due to cost. Apart from direct sales, this corporation offers trades with dealers and end-users. It has a team of employees who offer home automation services, including Zigbee, Z-Wave, and Wi-Fi installation to other companies and homeowners.

Our Mission

TSA Tech Limited was established with a sole purpose of satisfying consumer needs in the technology sector. An evaluation of this firm’s operations and business model creates a picture of a business that is devoted to guaranteeing customer satisfaction. Currently, TSA Tech Limited continues to invest in different technology fields with an aim of creating a one-stop-shop for clients. This organization’s mission is to offer best life experience to its clients and handle their problems with innovation, novelty, and ingenuity. It underscores the reason this firm has established three critical departments that work in collaboration to ensure efficient and quality service delivery.

Goods and Services

TSA Tech Limited works in collaboration with Asus Australia to sell an array of personal computers (PC) and laptops that are suitable for workstation, office and business operations, and gaming. Additionally, this company vends different computer accessories, among them motherboards, mouse, monitors, keyboards, external hard disks, headphones, and software. It also distributes networking hardware like routers, switches, adapters, modems, and access point. The company offers a range of services, including networking solutions, lighting, and home automation. The increase in the number of people who own cell phones has necessitated the establishment of repair shops. TSA Tech Limited has also ventured into this sector.

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Company Structure and Key Personnel

Company Structure

The size and nature of an organization dictate the structure that its management team assumes. TSA Tech Limited has adopted line organizational configuration where instructions flows from the board of directors, down to the junior-most staff working in different departments. This type of organizational arrangement is considered rigid and it hinders efficient sharing of information between employees. This firm adopted this structure because its employees are assigned to departments based on their skills and competence. At the top of TSA Tech Limited’s corporate structure is the board of directors that make all decisions regarding this company.

Immediately below this executive team is Taft who is responsible for managing the different departments and is also a member of the board of directors. This company is divided into four divisions which are sales/shop branch, overseas vendor contractor section, electronic technician unit, and administration segment. The shop/sales department is broken into five individual units that are headed by managers.

The overseas vendor contractor division promotes cooperation between TSA Tech Limited and Asus Australia and is headed by manager Wen. The administration department comprises accounting, systems, procurement, marketing, and purchasing units. The technician department is also divided into five distinct divisions that are headed by different technicians based on their specialization. Below is a diagram of TSA Tech Limited’s organizational structure.

Key personnel

Director Taft

Director Taft’s contribution to this company is critical because he oversees all the four major departments. Even though he does not supervise interns, it is hard not to come across him, as he is always in the organization. Taft acknowledges the importance of treating employees well regardless of their rank. The period that I have worked in the company, I have realized that he is very friendly and willing to assist all staff whenever they have problems. This leadership culture has contributed to most workers being open to him whenever they feel dissatisfied. Currently, Taft is mainly in charge of home automation department and participates in all meetings.

Accountant Manager – Jeremy

Jeremy heads one of the most significant departments in TSA Tech Limited. All financial matters have to go through him, and he is in charge of processing invoices and petty cash. I met Jeremy in my second day in the organization, though we interacted for a short period. He is one of the most busy employees in the company as he is bestowed the responsibility of not only managing money but also ensuring that all vendors are paid on time. I only saw Jeremy whenever I went to his department to submit invoices, request for cash or send transaction balances.

My Supervisor – Ang

Ang was the head of Elliot shop and team leader of the computer and mobile service department. This is the unit that I was assigned, hence I had a lot of time to interact and learn from him. In spite of being busy with coding of the retail shop’s system, Ang was a friendly person who always spared time to help me learn the activities of this department. I realized that he was a perfectionist who expected everything to be done flawlessly. Whenever Ang was not coding, he supervised the operations within the unit, ensuring that customers got quality services.

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Senior technician – Maud

In spite of working in the retail shop, I at times had to visit technician Maud, particularly if a customer wanted his/her gadget to be repaired. Maud is shy and does not talk much. Instead, he spends most of his time working on clients’ computers and mobile phones. He has been with the company for twenty years, and has amassed great experience in mobile phone and computer repair. The management, especially Taft, love him because of his diligence and commitment to the company. Customers also appreciate his services, leading to TSA Tech Limited getting a lot of referrals and return clients.

Young Manager – Jackson

Jackson is the head of the LED department which provides lighting services to dealers and end-users. Therefore, it is hard to find him in his office, as he is always in the field working with contractors. He makes sure that LED installations are done in ways that guarantee customer satisfaction. At times, I worked with Jackson, especially when his department was receiving new stock from suppliers. He had to be around to ensure that all the gadgets that his division ordered were delivered in good condition. I assisted him in stocktaking and entering the new products into the system.


Daily Operations of the Retail Shop

One of my duties at TSA Tech Limited was helping managers in daily operations of the business. An ordinary day entailed selling computers, mobile phones, and an assortment of accessories. This company used emails to communicate with suppliers, dealers, and long-term customers. Hence, I helped in responding to mails from potential clients and receiving telephone calls. Over 80% of TSA Tech Limited’s customers are walk-in. Therefore, I regularly interacted with customers on the floor of the shop. It gave this company an opportunity not only to gather consumer feedback but also offer after-sale services.

I was also responsible for receiving customers’ requests and channeling them to the right departments. As aforementioned, this firm does business with dealers. Thus, I was delegated the duty of providing quotations for contract jobs. Whenever I was not dealing with customers or responding to emails, I assisted in monitoring company website. Many customers used this site to order products, share their experience, and give suggestions on areas that TSA Tech Limited requires improving. Inventory management is critical to the success of this firm. Hence, I also aided in monitoring stock levels and ordering products to ensure that the company does not run out of goods.

Planning and Managing Promotional Events

In the first month, I was a member of the retail marketing team that organized and conducted promotional campaigns. This exercise involved numerous activities, including formulating theme of the advertising and designing and printing posters. One of the projects that I was involved in entailed the drawing and production of screen protector poster. The management gave us four weeks to complete the entire process. I was engaged in research of the best design and selection of competent photographer.

I was also a member of the team that chose a model, hired clothes and makeups, and identified venue for photo shooting. We worked closely with the poster designer to ensure that they did not leave any details. In the second month, I helped in the development of a poster aimed at promoting repair services. The outbreak of Corona Virus (COVID-19) has made it hard for people to move around. Hence, the company required designing a poster which informed customers that TSA Tech Limited could repair mobile phones or computers and send them to their homes. This company has liaised with GOGO Express (a firm that offers delivery services) to ship repaired gadgets to their respective owners within a day.

Running Online Store

TSA Tech Limited has an online store which it uses to popularize products and services. Additionally, the platform allows customers to order and pay for products virtually without having to visit an outlet. I was responsible for running TradeMe account (an online tool that enables people to sell their products). I also monitored and processed all customer orders that were made via this company’s website.

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Many dealers and clients used emails to share their feedback and seek clarification on our products and services. Consequently, I helped in replying to some of their messages. TSA Tech Limited likes to keep its dealers and customers updated with what is going on in the company. As a result, it sends messages to clients, suppliers, and merchants to inform them on pending or ongoing promotions. In some days, I spent time on this company’s system updating consumers and dealers on the events that the corporation planned to hold.

Market Research and Analysis

On the 5th and 6th March, 2020, our team leader took me to a business trip to visit dealers who operated in a different city. The objective of the tour was to equip me with knowledge of how to conduct market research and assess the degree of competition in the industry. This excursion gave me insight in how other companies operate. I realized that some of the dealers had partnered with local schools which gave them a lot of business.

These institutions bought computers and other electronic devices from the dealers who, in return gave them warranty. It underlined the reason why the merchants were major customers of TSA Tech Limited. I also discovered that one of the dealers operated multiple stores that were distributed across the city. Their outlets were strategically located, enabling them to reach multiple customers. My task was to identify competitive strategies that other players in this industry were using and report back to the team leader.

Analysis of Sales and Revenue Reports

Monitoring a company’s turnover and revenue is critical to forecasting future performance, thereby enabling a business to plan in advance. One of the duties involved analyzing TSA Tech Limited’s sales and revenue reports to determine if this organization was meeting its targets. From the reports, it was evident that this firm had started to experience the impacts of Corona Virus outbreak. The company’s gross profit started to decrease from January after China reported its first case of COVID-19. The reports also showed that this pandemic affected TSA Tech Limited’s buying channels. Many dealers and customers were reluctant to placing orders with some canceling or postponing their contracts.

Key Success Factors: SWOT Analysis

  • Strengths. STA Tech Limited enjoys numerous advantages that have contributed to its success, among them the ability to diversify, recruitment of experienced staff, and alliance with other businesses. This company has a pool of experienced technicians and sales team who enable it to reach and convince customers to purchase its products and services. Establishment of numerous departments has allowed TSA Tech Limited to diversify operations, thereby increasing its customer base. This company has partnered with Asus Australia, hence it is guaranteed of selling quality products.
  • Weaknesses. In spite of TSA Tech Limited’s current success, this company suffers from various weaknesses that hinder its capability to reach many clients. The lack of sufficient capital has made it hard for this firm to establish multiple outlets to avert competition. The current organizational structure limits decision-making and prevents this company from developing a versatile workforce.
  • Opportunities. Currently, almost all households in New Zealand own mobile phones and computers. Hence, TSA Tech Limited has numerous opportunities that it can exploit to its advantage. This company has a chance to open additional stores across the country to enable it to reach many clients. The move will allow TSA Tech limited to overcome competition and grow its profit margin. An evaluation of dealers who operate in other cities revealed that they have formed alliances with learning institutions. Similarly, this company has an opportunity to partner with local schools and public organizations to grow its market share.
  • Threats. Many investors have learnt that computer and mobile repair business is lucrative, and they are now focusing on this industry. TSA Tech Limited faces threat of entry of new businesses into this sector, thereby affecting its profit Margi and waging competition. Another challenge is the presence of cheap mobile phones and computers which are discouraging people from seeking repair services.


Personal Attributes


I consider myself as a person who is not only flexible but also willing to learn different skills. For the duration that I worked at TSA Tech Limited, I served in various departments; an opportunity that enabled me to amass a lot of experience. Currently, I can do minor repairs of computers and mobile phones. Working in the retail market developed my creativity. Despite having no background in promotion or poster-designing, I managed to adjust to this new assignment and contributed significantly to the success of the project.

Dedication to Job Completion

I view myself as not only thorough but also devoted to completing one assignment at a time. This quality was manifested when managing the company’s website. I ensured that I answered all the questions that were shared through this platform. Additionally, while assisting in daily operations of the retail store, particularly inventory management, I guaranteed that the business had adequate products in store. I went through customers’ orders and made sure that products were delivered to the correct client and on time. This displayed my commitment to not only completing assignments but also doing them in the right way.

Keen to Learn and Acquire Experience

I was happy to get an opportunity to serve as an intern at TSA Tech Limited because I knew that I could gain exposure to the business world. I never took this chance frivolously. Instead, I made sure that I learned new things whenever I had an opportunity to serve in any department. Today, I know how to close business deals, recover data from broken hard disks, and replace spoilt phone screens. Participation in the promotion team gave me a chance to learn how to design posters and select the best advertising venues.

Professional Qualities

  • Problem Solving Skills. I had never worked in a retail outlet before or managed inventory. Hence, my initial days at TSA Tech Limited were quite challenging, but that did not thwart my determination to learn. I watched how other staff dealt with customers, and within one week, I could interact with clients and assist them to select the products that they required. Additionally, after working in the retail department for one week, I gained significant knowledge in inventory management and could accurately record data regarding stock levels without having to consult my supervisor.
  • Organizational and Planning Skills. Engagement in poster design and promotion activities equipped me with organizational and planning skills. I learned how to identify the right photographer, model, and the best venue to hold promotional events. I also acquired creativity skills which were critical to developing posters that drew the attention of many clients. At times, my supervisors expected me to assist in different posts within a day. Hence, I had to organize myself to guarantee that I did not spend a lot of time in one station at the expense of the others. This experience equipped me with not only planning but also time management skills.
  • Professionalism. I knew that I had a lot to learn from this company’s employees; hence I treated all of them with a lot of respect. I was committed to establishing a good working relationship with them, as that was the only way that they could accept to teach me. For instance, when Jackson asked me to help in receiving products from suppliers, I ensured that I did not disappoint him.


I was lucky to get a chance to work at TSA Tech Limited. Director Taft’s leadership style has promoted employee empowerment, thereby encouraging commitment and ingenuity. The five weeks that I served as an intern allowed me to gain experience in different fields. Among the things that I learned included:

  • Gained massive knowledge concerning New Zealand’s trend in the technology industry. I discovered that many customers are opting to embrace smart home technology as a measure to conserve environment. I also found that the gaming sector is attracting significant customers, particularly from youths.
  • I enhanced my interpersonal relationship skills, making it easy for me to interact with customers.


For Myself

Stiff competition in the job industry made me to appreciate that I require improving my skills.

  • I learned that I need to take short course in graphic design and event management to boost my chances of getting a job.
  • I have an intention of opening my company one day. Hence, I require gaining skills in business management to enable me to run my organization in the future.

For TSA Tech Limited

  • This company should consider changing its organizational structure to facilitate the development of all-round employees.
  • The management should form alliances with local schools and institutions to increase this company’s business share.


Internships equip learners with practical skills, hence the need to ensure that all students participate in these essential programs. The school should liaise with local companies to assist scholars in securing internships. Lecturers should also be encouraged to use their influence to look for attachment programs for learners.


TSA Tech. (2020). Web.

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